Easy's Cocktail Lounge
Easy's Cocktail Lounge | Proper Eats Food Hall at Aria
Behind the sweet is something saucy. Easy’s Cocktail Lounge, aspeakeasy tucked away behind a delicious,unassuming donutshop, is an intimate environment with a classic vibe and the mindsetof a bygone era. The quaint speakeasy bar is a beautifully-craftedspace featuring plush velvet seating, throwback energy, elusivespirits new to the market and perfectly-poured cocktails exclusive toEasy. With a beverage program designed by a master mixologist,Easy’s cocktails are as palate pleasing as they are picturesque. Thegin-based Happy Foraging, for instance, is a whimsical beverageserved in a hand blown mushroom glass. Paired with fresh herbs anddramatic effects, guests inhale a forest scent while sipping therefreshing libation. Similarly, an over-the-top tequila-based cocktailfeels akin to a day on the beach, as is served in a hand blown seashell and surrounded by pink sea salt, mini shells and micro flowers.A sophisticated environment that operates at a roaring ‘20s pace,Easy features live music nightly performed in an uptempo jazzformat—it’s new world meets old world, all while customers ofdifferentbackgrounds freely mix and mingle. A modern-day haunt,Easy is full of secrets... but the biggest secret is Easy itself